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Engineering today,
developing tomorrow,
always surprising.

At present Novalca has a production capacity of about 30.000 tons and owns 15 different production lines located in 3 specialized departments according to the different types of products.

The high quality standards are guaranteed by the constant cooperation with Novalca’s R&D department, which has access to 3 laboratories for the creation of new materials, quality control (for inbound materials, during all production processes and for the end products), and research and development activities.

At the same time, all our quality standars also and mostly value the enviroment and territory protection: Novapolimeri is in fact certified ISO 9001 and ISO 14001, in order to guarantee to its stakeholders the respect of a strict quality-environment system that has the main target of supplying high quality materials, produced and distributed preserving the environment and with regard to all the regulations concerning it.
Our environmentally-friendly policy is actively pursued by constantly reducing the energetic consumption and polluting emissions, as well as by investing in circular economy projects as prove the new line of Novalca’s REC products and the new PSV section of NOVAPA 6 and NOVAPA 66 REC – MixEco.


IQNET ISO 9001:2015
SQS ISO 9001:2015
IQNET ISO 14001:2015
SQS ISO 14001:2015
Quality and environmental policy
PSV certificate
PSV certificate attachment
Ethical code